Obesity and the built environment

Obesity is a significant health challenge that relates to the built environment. The design of buildings, neighbourhoods and cities can create places where people can balance physical activity with a healthy diet. Being overweight may also be linked to sleep and stress, and the built environment can also help with these areas of our lives.

I was delighted to contribute to the new Obesity Health Alliance report ‘Turning the Tide: A 10-year Healthy Weight Strategy’ as an expert advisor with Julia Thrift and Michael Chang. We reviewed evidence and drafted content for Chapter 6 ‘The environment around us’.

This report provides many clear recommendations for policy-makers and I’m particularly pleased that our point about the purpose of planning being to support public health was included.

Read ‘Turning the Tide: A 10-Year Healthy Weight Strategy

Read the ‘Summary for Policy-Makers

Published September 2021